Transparency | HYPERMAREMMA


Obbligo di trasparenza riguardante i contributi pubblici ricevuti secondo La legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, commi da 125 a 129, e dal successivo decreto legge 30 aprile 2019, n. 34.


Contribution of €6,531.85 from the Tuscany Region for the project “Totem” by Moira Ricci, winner of the ToscanaInContemporanea grant under the GiovaniSí program, with decree no. 6243 of September 16, 2021.



Contribution of €14,800.00 from the Tuscany Region for the project “In Nature Nothing Exists Alone” by Claudia Comte, winner of the ToscanaInContemporanea grant under the GiovaniSí program, with decree no. 6455 of April 4, 2022.



Contribution of €14,400.00 from the Tuscany Region for the project “Fontanile” by Giuseppe Ducrot, winner of the ToscanaInContemporanea grant under the GiovaniSí program, with decree no. 23784 of November 2, 2023.



Contribution of €14,060.00 from the Tuscany Region for the project “Prospettiva Cielo” by Mauro Staccioli, winner of the ToscanaInContemporanea grant under the GiovaniSí program, with decree no. 15723 of July 5, 2024.